Sunday, July 17, 2011

2 1/2 More Weeks...

...until we find out if Baby OB is a girl or boy. :D I'm still convinced I have a little girl growing in my belly, but we will see. I updated the Baby Pics post as well as the Baby Belly Post, so you guys can see the clothes we have bought so far and the growth of my belly. It still just kind of looks like a beer gut, but it's getting there. I'm starting to really not fit into my jeans/shorts and my shirts are getting tighter. But thanks to a wonderful friend, I have a box of maternity clothes coming my way soon! YAY!

As far as the baby goes, 'she' is growing well. I can tell that she is taking up more space and has moved up inside my belly more and isn't just down in my pelvis anymore. ANNNNNDDDD, I have started feeling movement everyday. I was sitting in my car texting someone when I felt a "bubble" pop inside me. Then later that night, as I was laying on the bed, I felt a "thump". So at 17w4d, I was pretty sure that "pop" was the baby kicking/punching/moving, but the thump made it for sure (7/6/11). Those were the first two instances that I just KNEW it was Baby OB. Back on 6/19/11 (15w1d), I was on the phone and was pushing on my pelvic area when I felt 3 little taps. It was so soft that I thought it was my heartbeat in my fingers, but when I put my hand back again, I didn't feel it. Then on 6/25/11 (16w0d), I could have sworn I felt a "swirl" inside on the right side when I was laying in bed. I've heard that is the baby moving around in there, but that's one of the only times I've felt that kind of movement, so I'm not for sure about that.

Now about the appointments. I have an appointment tomorrow morning, but I won't get any kind of ultrasound done. I am going to get the quad screening blood test done, so they will take the blood for that as well. Then I am also going to go and have the AFP levels checked as part of the screening for neural tube defects (such as Spina Bifida I believe) some day this week. Then our 'BIG' ultrasound is on August 3rd. :) So in just over 2 weeks, we will know for sure if we will have a Samuel Patrick O'Brien or a Camryn/Alexandra/Jennifer/Abigail/Hannah Lee O'Brien. I'm so excited and definitely feel like I just cannot wait that long! :D

Oh, I have created two registries. One at Wal-Mart and one at Target. They aren't completely up to date yet since I don't know the gender. I have tried to only put the main stuff on there. We did already purchase the carseat/stroller system that we decided to go with. And it is looking like the baby shower in Virginia will be more of a cookout type deal with males and females invited. The tentative date for that one is October 22nd and the tentative date for the NC shower is October 1st. More information will come about that later. I believe a lot of the stuff I've put on there so far is online only, I'm not for sure though, so make sure they sell it in the store if you want to go pick it up. The information for the registries is listed below.

Registrant Name: Courtney O'Brien
Co-Registrant Name: Sean O'Brien
Home State: Virginia
Target - Registry ID# 014399701776487
Wal-Mart - Registry ID# 80521851132