Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello Everyone!

So, this is the way we decided we would keep everyone updated about the baby and the progression of the pregnancy.

What do you think?!? It's just as easy to access as Facebook, if not easier, since you don't have to have an account to see it. I am thinking about creating a photo album that I can link to this. But I may just upload pictures to the posts. So we will see how that goes.

Just to make sure everyone is on the same page....I am 11 weeks along as of this past Saturday. I went to the doctor on Friday because I just didn't "feel pregnant" because some of my symptoms seemed to have gone away. But, once I went to the appointment, I heard the heartbeat and saw the little "turtle" and everything was fine. I have an appointment tomorrow, but it's just an entrance OB appointment (basically questions and expectations). So I doubt I'll have anything new to post. BUT, they will be using the doppler to hear the heartbeat so I am going to try to record that and maybe post it on here. I'm not showing at all yet, but when I do start, I will post pictures.

Hmmm....I don't think there's anything else. But if you want to know something, just post it in a comment and I'll let you know. :)

Have a fantastic Monday!

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