Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's Been a While ... So This is Long!

've been really lax about updating this, since as a lot of you know, I activated my FB, AGAIN. :) So here is all of the stuff that I haven't posted about or that I haven't put on FB. Oh and before you go any further, I'm convinced this child is a SHE. So from this point on I will be referring to HER as Baby Girl or She or Her, just FYI! ;)

My 1st trimester screening went well. The doctor seemed a little worried about why I was so short and wanted to make sure skeletal birth defects didn't run in my family. Haha! So I had to explain to him that both of my parents are short and I was just doomed to being a few inches taller than a legal "short person". But other than that, everything looked great. Baby Girl was moving around like crazy and it took a while to get the measurements they needed. But once they got the measurements they pricked my finger and told me to wait for the call with the estimate of what the likelihood of the baby having Downs Syndrome was. The measurement for the skin on the back of the neck was a 2.5 and the cut-off for having a higher risk of DS is 3.0. So it was in the back of my head for a couple of days. But they called me back with the blood-test results and said that the chances of the baby having DS were 1/3500(something) and the chances of her having one of the more dangerous Trisomy disorders was 1/7000(something). So knowing that and knowing that it is just a prediction and not a guarantee made me confident that my baby girl will be fine. :)

Now, fast forward a week. I was having some bleeding last weekend (obviously not enough for it to be a big deal, otherwise you would have known already) and then started cramping a day or two later. So when the cramping got a little concerning (aka: worse than the stretching/cramping I was feeling a few weeks ago), I called the doctor and they worked me in that day. So I got another picture and heard the heartbeat again. It was 126-134 with the doppler but with the ultrasound, the doctor picked it up at 154. So still a strong heartbeat and everything looked a-ok. And I rescheduled my anatomy scan for the baby for August 2nd. So we will know by mid-day on the 2nd what this little one is for sure.

And then, here we are today. I am now 14w5d and can definitely tell where I am starting to show. I truly believe that in a few weeks, you'll be able to tell that there is a little human being growing in there. :D It really hit me, last night, that I AM GOING TO BE A MOM. In 5 1/2 months!!!! So I am super excited. And, I even ended up buying some maternity clothes (even though I don't necessarily NEED them right now) because I actually like the way I feel/look in them. So YAY for me! Haha.

Oh, and as for the baby bump. I am not ready to post them on FB at this point, but I will post them on here. I have been taking one a week for the past 4-5 weeks. So I am going to make another post specifically for the baby bump pictures and will update it often (or I'll at least TRY to update it often).

And here is another baby pic for you ...

IMAG0171 by cbobrien
IMAG0171, a photo by cbobrien on Flickr.

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